Thursday, August 28, 2008

Tribute to Cohort 1's MOV

Delaqroux Inc Updates!!

Last night, i get to watch our junior's ES Play entitled Merchant of Venice and yep, although saying this in the first paragraph of my blogpost might be a major spoiler to the whole post; i'm gonna say it anyway. It was KICKASS!!

Well, the props were excellent, the actors werent at all awkward or static, the lines (although slightly harder to understand Shakespeare's styled) are well said and done, the costumes were majestic, the choice of FFIX OST for the play's BGM was a great choice and hell, yeah, the play was AWESOME!! Well, i guess a big congrats is in order for the entire Cohort and not to mention extra big, big one for Seetal the director too. And yeah, guess my choice of best character goes to Shylocke played by...uh... Ashraf... i think.. Lolz. Just love his Las Plagas-ish hooded jacket and his acting. Well, anyways, i really salute the juniors as, even though they're limited on crews and had some serious obstacle throughout the play (thanks to a certain particular douschebag whose name start with an "I" and rhymes with "smail"), Cohort 1 was able to pull out such a kickass play (and, not to mention, badass Shylocke) and they made last night such another unforgetable night in IPBA.

Delaqroux salutes Cohort 1 and Cohort 1's Merchant of Venice!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't go to the play, there's this farewell party for my lecturer and i barely understand why would they choose this day. Raining some more. I missed the play! =(