Delaqroux Inc Updates!
Well, i do admit that i was the one who came up with such smart-ass quote; "Thoult shall eat if thy stomach wants food" just a month ago. I mean, yeah, it is based on a rational reason. The season is changing to winter and us, humans, just another species among the range of the many mammals on earth, will heed this nature call to become less active and consume more food (something like hibernating). It's just another natural way for our body to keep itself warm during winter, by getting extra calories intake and trying as less as possible to release lesser energy. Thus, yeah, if you dont feel hungry yet you feel like eating non-stop of late, it's just a natural nature's call to survive the harsh extremes of winter and you should answer it, right?
Left! Wrong! Salah! And all the other antonyms of "right"!!
Just a few moments ago, i saw an old photo of myself posing in front of my wardrobe's mirror. It was the picture when i first arrived in MacQ so i thought "hmm.. it's been three months now, maybe i should take a shot of myself with exactly the same pose and arrange them chronologically" That way, its like a cool flick, being able to witness how time has changed you. So i allign the two pictures together. Indeed, time did gave some mods on me; longer hair, new glasses, (self-proclaimed) taller figure, thicker clothing... wait... thicker clothing? Thus, i zoomed in to the picture and yeah, i do look 'thicker'. In a few short analysis (like, taking a ruler and measuring the increment of thickness from the Ad in the old photo and the Ad in the new photo), i concluded that, yeah, it was just my sweater. Haha. Whatever hell was i thinking. Of course i look thicker in my warm sweater, it wont be a sweater if it isnt thick. Oh, silly me.. hahhahahalolololollmaorolflolololcopter.
But suddenly, something just struck me like a knife of paranoia slicing through a timid heart of butter. I do look thicker in those parts of my body which is covered by my sweater and i put the sweater as the excuse. But what of the parts where my skin is exposed?. No, not cleavage, i dont have any. I meant; my face. It's pretty hard to do the ruler measuring thing to extract the truth. So this calls for Adobe Photoshop (funny how this tool which i claim to make lies out of people's pictures is now my tool for helping me uncover the truth in mine). So i put the new picture as a background and overlay it with the old picture. Afterwards, i reduce the opacity of the old picture to a point where i can see the new picture underneath it for me to make a comparison- specifically around the face. Does my face seems larger?
And to my horror, HOLY SHIT!!! I AM CHUBBIER!!!????
Yeah, i am. Not so much but there is the difference there. Dammit! Why the face!! WHY THE FAAAAAAAACE!!! Yeah, it's true. After ignoring the cold air in my room and getting rid of all the clothing on me (No, I mean, my sweater and the tshirt underneath.. why the fuck would i take my pants off??), i can be 100% sure that my figure still looks the same. No extra tires anywhere. Phew... I dont look any f.... ffff.... aaaaa.... (cannot say the F-Word) SO HOW COME ONLY MY FACE IS CHUBBIER!!?? Gah!!! Why??? WHHHHYY???? Nancie Saw!!!???? (uh, yeah... i always tell her how her head is bigger than her body..) I'm in her case now!! (eventhough for her case, it's just me playing with my imaginative teasing- she doesnt really have that big of a head... [or does she??]). At that moment, all i can think of is Wriggly's Chewing Gum's stupid add about how chewing their friggin gums can be a facial exercise. But that's not the point! I must lose that f..... ffff..... in my face!! Anything to it! Even if it's the last thing i'll do...
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