Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Delaqroux Arts On Sale

Delaqroux Inc Updates!

(as this is your standard Delaqroux Inc Updates blogpost, stuffs mentioned at this point may not exactly be aiming to the main idea of this blogpost. Please scroll downward untils you see something long-winded written in capital letters)

Aaaaand... it's already the September of 2009. Man, time does fly when you least expect it. Winter's coming to an end that's for sure. Like how the Japanese proverb goes... uh... something about the footstep of spring can be heard from the mountains.. or something. Well, it's true that that spring marks all the flower blooming around the uni area. However, one wont last that long here. Probably by next summer and that flower will be gone. Not to say i'm a plant guy but there is always some joy in having a flower you like to accompany you now and then. Knowing that it wont be there for you soon, that kinda makes me feel sad. Oh well... guess i better start sketching sights of spring while the flower is still here. Even if i cant have her here with me, at least i have some good last memories as a memento.

And if that last paragraph makes you think that i'm on crack, well, no, i am not. That's what i call the Delaqroux code system. The whole paragraph makes no sense? Good. Thats the point of it =)

So yeah, back to the main update; The Hand of Midas. This term might probably be familiar with few but to those who hasnt the slightest idea of what this term means, Hand of Midas refers to the Hand of King Midas in ancient Greek history (well, at least i think it's Greek...) who, well, stumbled to some wish-granting device (i cant remember what exactly was it; genie, shooting star, goddess etc.) and made a big douche outta himself by wishing that he have the power to turn things into gold with the touch of his hand. Things seem to be really funky at first. i mean, seriously, turning things to instant cash, i'd personally make a wish somewhere along that line as well :p But it turned out later during mealtime that this King Midas could not eat anything as any food that he touches turns to gold instead of... well... the edible substance known as food. So some legend goes that he managed to reverse his greedy wish, some other said that he chopped off his hand (uiks! and thus the movie SAW was created), while other ends the story with the King dying of starvation. So yep, basically, that's the whole idea.

p/s to King Midas: Ever thought of trying to eat with cutleries instead, my lord?

Anyways, as much as i wish to have the ability to turn things to gold (though maybe i will make a wish that i can turn things to gold AND AS A SIDE WISH; makes things turn back to normal as well), obviously there's no such thing as the hand of Midas in this world. But to put it in another way, i dont have to exactly touch something and make it turn to gold. Instead, i could manipulate some talents that i have (with hands involved) and turn things from something totally worthless to something profitable. And thus i had the idea; ART! Yep, though not that good at it, i can draw some funky stuff with a pen and paper. As much as i used to ramble about wanting to get involve in career-streams that provide me ample opportunity to utilize this skill, i was quite a nay-sayer. I mean, art stream is not really an income generator for all. But hey, at this point where i cant get a job and i could use some extra cash, what is there to lose? So yep, i'm gonna draw and make money outta my drawing even if it kills meh!

And to start things off, there will be an art festival this Friday 4th of September. The last Zine fair at Sydney's MCA was a big bomb, maybe this one will go with a bang as well (plus, the fact that this art fair will be on for two weeks instead of a day). Yeah, maybe i can generate some drawings and get the on sale. The probability of people buying them is still very very low but meh, who the FiretrUCK cares? I'm just gonna give it a big(ger) shot this time and see whether does my hands actually have somewhat a Midas touch in them somewhere. Wish me luck, ppl!

Oh, and now that i'm on a roll; let's try something a lil radical. Ahem...


And what does that suppose to mean? Well, i'll be accepting any request of any particular drawings/designs/photo manipulation that you need done witha reasonable price! Just give me a buzz and i'll see if these hands can manipulate the flow of ink (or maybe the photoshop cursor) to make your artistic demands a reality. And for the time being, i will also have a few artworks on sale with me (not having that many artworks at this point but i'm thinking of putting any completed artwork on sale on the fly) so just gimme a nudge when you feel like you could use something on your plain white room wall, and i'll show you what i have with me that might cater to your interest.

Regardless if these plans will work or not, thanks for noting anyway =D


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