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If there is one place worth checking out while you're in Sydney, it'll be New town! Yep, it's New town. They sell old stuff and old stuff are cheap. Cheap stuff are good and good, cheap stuff might have demons inside. Yeah, demons.
I was in Newtown the other day, browsing the streets when I came across this shop called Vinnies. Innocently, i thought Vinnies stands for "vintage" and that probably the shop owner is a chinese girl acting cute and calling everything they own with the suffix "-ie" (Sorry Nancie, calling your laptop lappie dont make it be no puppie... damn, i rap bitchIEz!). Anyways, it turned out that Vinnies stands for St Vincent and it's a secondhand clothing (and some random odds and ends) shop that sells things which are donated by people of the church.. probably. So yeah, note for all shopaholics out there; if you love to buy stuff and yet you feel guilty spending your money, go shop in charity shops coz every dollar you spend on unnecessary clothings pieces and creepy looking teddies will go for charity. And trust me, when you're in that kind of place (unless you're a hygienic fella who wouldnt want to wear second hand stuffs), you tend to want everything coz everything is cheap and you're spending money like it's actually someone's business! Who says Greed cant be good?
And, yeah, if you're looking for suits, that place have a hell lot of em. Probably some Italian mafia group decided to turn some good leaves that they all donated their suits to charity. Hmmm...
So, back to the demon story. There was two things that caught my eye in that shop. One, is the unusually cute girl inside that shop who was suspiciously interested in this thingy that curls your hair up. Second, is this really awesome looking, leather jacket. Not the black, light reflecting kind of leather jacket, but one that you can actually feel its softness. It's not fuzzy or like but yeah, it feels leather-ish - like you're touching the skin of a horse. Regardless, i thought a jacket that awesome would cost a fortune that i ended up ignoring it. But later on, i saw another almost as awesome jacket with the price tag of 15 dollars (that right! 15 dollars!) and what did i do? No, i didnt buy it. I went back to the previous awesome leather jacket. And the price tag says 40 dollars. Now, kids, 40 dollars would cost this guy a week worth of spending and i am a very cheapskate guy. But a jacket that awesome, you just gotta bought it even if the price tag says 40.
So, i bought that awesome jacket (and determined to fast for the whole next week) and immediately as i bought it, i put it on. Now, i dont do this at all. This is entirely NOT me. I dont buy things and immediately wear them unless they're really kickass or my current clothing is wet but this awesome jacket, my friend, as instantly as it gets on me, it is as exactly how beyond awesome it is. Anyways, there i got myself an awesome jacket and i call it "awesome jacket"
Regardless, i have realized something unusual about this jacket. I tend to put it on for absolutely no reason, even when i least expect it. And when i do, i went in front of a mirror and look at myself and i hear someone whispering in my hear "Weaaaaarrrr meeeeee.....". Okay, so all those whispering is a figure of speech but seriously, i just kept getting hypnotized to wear that jacket, go in front of the mirror, look at myself, touch its ridiculously comfy texture, snap back to reality, and put it back into the closet... only to repeat it a few hours later. One time, i thought it was just the jacket's awesome aura but now, i'm starting to think that the jacket has some kind of demon encrypted within it. Not the bad demon though - an awesome one (coz you know, the jacket is still awesome regardless).
Anyways, maybe this has happened to everyone else who have just bought something awesome to wear. But if you ended up constantly wearing it for absolutely no reason but to look yourself in the mirror, then i think your wear might be demon possessed too. Til then, if you see me out with an awesome jacket, that might not be me. That, my friends, might be the awesome demon finally have able to take over me.