Sunday, February 27, 2011

How many more jumps?

Delaqroux Inc Updates!
It's 3am and i am still playing around with my new adorable phone and also doing random stuffs on facebook and blogger. So another tranquil night, another self-reflection session. Why not, right?

I recall one time ago when i watched a motivational talk on TV and the speaker told the viewers a secret to happy living, which is simply; stay away from anything that hurts you (Gosh.. can a motivator get any more smug-y than that? I hate motivators). Also, there was this one dick.. i mean, motivator giving some motivational speech awhile ago during one of those insignificant personality development courses i attended which cited the infamous.. something theory. Cant remember what exactly is that theory but it's pretty much built on the foundation of "what may go wrong will go wrong". Again, basically, it's the same "stay away from things that can hurt you if you want a happy life".

That made me think; is there such thing as a pain-free happy life?

Yeah, some other dude said something about "no pain, no gain" right? So what's a little prick everynow and then before you really get to enjoy the good stuffs in life. But then again, i kept losing myself in real complicated situations that i'm starting to think that there is no happy life, there is no pain-free life, and there are simply too many inevitable things that will constantly hurt you. I'm not putting this in a very pessimistic perspective mind you. It's just that, in layman's language, i've been through a whole lot of crappy stuff that i'm actually believing that there's no such thing as a pain-free way or a happy way out. It's just life. Short, sophisticated and shitty. It's like you're getting to the top floor of a building, you give up half way, you climb out the window and you jump down, only to find yourself still alive once you hit the ground, having to restart all over. There's no pain free way and there's no quick exits either. It's just a whole long shitty climb up and a stretch of endurance test.

Speaking of falling flat and still not dying, i have found myself doing things that will hurt myself plenty of times in my life. I made choices that seem promising, only to find out there's none of that sort. Afterwards, i found myself terribly hurt, i gave up, i tried to 'kill myself'. The result to that is just me falling flat on the ground again, still alive, and having to start all over again. Finally, i made another near-similar choice of self pain infliction once again and the cycle recontinues. I dunno. Sometimes, i think this pain i'm having might actually take me to a better place where nobody else ever manage to reach. Sometimes, i think i'm just a stupid risk taker that's going no where. At other times, i think it's not that the bad choices i made that it's causing me the pain, it's the whole word that's effing up with me. Hell, the choice might not even be a bad one in the first place at all.

Til then, this is just me randomly rambling about part of my life which is significant yet them details mustnt be told to anyone that i have to type in an all emo metaphorical language. wtf.
Delaqroux Out.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

IPBA's Weak Epidemic Control Policy

Delaqroux Inc Updates.
I just realized (that was a lie, i didnt just realized. i realized this so long ago) that my college and its lecturers are quite extreme in the policy of perfect class attendance. If you are sick, you should report to the HEP, fill up a couple of forms, pass the forms to the lecturers of the classes you'll be missing, and send a copy to your mentor, all alongside an MC letter. Even when you do that, you cant be excused to rest in your dorm, you'll have to be in HEP's sickbay until lecture hours is over. Due to this tediousness, many resort to either screw the whole form filling bullshit and just stay at home, or attend class anyway. I was the latter today and i find how disturbingly disturbing that IPBA put so much emphasis on trainee's attendance while setting aside epidemic control. Oh, and at times, the lecturers do provide an exception for those who really are sick to skip/postpone the form filling and stuffs. But only to the extent of a really 'sick' sickness. Common colds or cough is not accepted.

"Disturbingly disturbing" is a synonym of "stupidly stupid" by the way.

So yes, i find this really stupid coz for one main reason, sick people, even those with common cold, can be contagious. Recently, a whole lot of students from my cohort have been sick - one after another. One person will attend class, sneezing and coughing all the way, and when that person is recovering, another person fall sick. there has never been a perfectly healthy attendance. Cant the lecturers see a pattern there? It's so obvious that we are infecting one another!

The HEP may argue that this is the reason why they have sickbays for sick students. I would say that the idea is basically to quarantine sick students from infecting one another and that is a good effort to stop the spreading of virus. But seriously, how disease proof enough are the sickbays? For all i know, i might just end up infecting the whole HEP staffs and (while i dont really mind doing that), we're back to square one. In other words, contagious students should be quarantined away from everyone else - not other students but also college staffs, and lecturers. Also getting into the sickbay is another problem. With all the form filling and the form handing out, nothing there suggest that i havent able to spread my viruses all over the college by the time i'm done. I cover my hand when i sneeze, i didnt sanitize my hand before filling in the form and i hand over the form to the lecturers. There you go. And finally, which is possibly the strongest argument of all, who would want to be quarantined in the HEP? For all i care, even when i'm healthy, i'll try my best to avoid that place. Now that i'm sick, i should stay in that place? Judgemental eyes of the staffs for the sick soul? No thank you.

Of course, i'm not trying to freak anyone here nor am i bad-mouthing the college but i really see nothing wrong with staying in the dorm when i'm unwell. Other students are in class so there's basically no one to infect. Filling up forms and all those formalities are good efforts to make sure student dont skip classes intentionally with the excuse of a fake sickness. But seriously, how far does that go in stopping students from faking their sickness. Also, MCs are not given for common colds or cough in clinics so forms that has to be included with an MC letter cannot be filled. And if my illness is that serious, i might not even be able to make it to the sickbay nor the clinic for the MC. My choice is to either stay in the dorm (which is illegal) or just attend the class anyway (not a smart choice but at least that's better than running around getting to clinic for MCs, having to fill in and pass up forms and infecting the whole world in the process) So, seriously, what should we do if we fall sick in IPBA?Non of IPBA's epidemic control system make any sense. Isnt it time someone retake a look at all these bullcrap?

So, til then. This is me, sneezing my lungs out in a lecture hall with approximately 125 other students, bidding you for a healthy life ahead.
Delaqroux Out.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Of Beggars and Preachers

Delaqroux Inc Updates
While i was typing the blogpost title above, something struck me. Should i use capital for the nouns in my blogpost title? Did i ever use capital for nouns in my blogpost title before? Hmmm... Anyways, back to the topic.

Just a few hours ago, i was having my dinner when an old guy dropped by my table and he started asking for donations. As usual, they're those unfortunate people who are not exactly as wealthy in supporting their own expense and they drop in restaurants to restaurants, table by table, asking for you to be generous. (Yes, i'm avoiding the use of the word Beggar here coz i think it sounds a lil too harsh.) Of course, there's always the people who drop by your table, selling some stuff that, apparently, are of no use to you. And then, there are those people who uses elements of sympathy or whatever to get you to be generous. Now, as useless as the items offered by the former, i dont really mind them. At least, they're using some effort to get the money they need. Heck, sometimes, i dont mind buying those stuffs they offered coz they're pretty useful... *hides shiny LED bouncing ball and wooden key-chain the shape of a heart* a packet of tissue papers.

But, what really grinds my gears (Family Guy reference.. wtf) is the latter who... how should i put it delicately... friggin cheats to get your money from you. Now here's what happened; the old guy who dropped by my table was wearing jubah and turban, carrying a recycable bag and a walking stick. He didnt really held out his hand and ask for donations. Instead, he gave me a greet. Acceptable. But what he did next was TOTALLY not acceptable. He started preaching about God and doing goodness and stuffs. I wasnt able to really hear him as the place was a lil noisy though. However, I manage to hear him uttering how i should start doing goodness because God knows when i will die. Okay. Then he started pointing upwards and start uttering some arabic phrases (probably from Quran i guess) and said something about, God knows what i do and didnt do and more stuffs. Also, he said something about he is a humble servant of God and his arrival might be God's reminder for me to do good things. All while closing his eyes, talking in smug tone, and pointing occasionaly skywards. So, yeah, why is that unacceptable? Read on.

Due to the fact that i couldnt really hear him with all the noise in the restaurant, i was freaked out for a moment. What exactly is this old man talking about? Is he asking for donations or he's just dropping by to preach something and only that? Should i take out my wallet and give him something, or should i continue listening? (Note that i didnt opt to ignore him entirely. That's something). So, being in such state of confusion, i took out my wallet. Then i thought, "wait, why am i taking out my wallet? Is he hypnotizing me or something?". Then, i just decided to just take out my cash. If he is just using all those talks to just get me to give him some cash, then he should be giving me some attention by now. If he's generously preaching, then i suppose he would reject the cash. Surprisingly, he did not held out his hand to take the cash or pay any attention to it, but continues talking. That was when i thought it's a nice change to have people who are actually devoted to God to shamelessly preach reminders on people without any hidden agendas. Perhaps, we do need some reminder every now and then.

My next move however, proved everything wrong. Yes, we do need reminders every now and then. That in some people, God is just another tool to get what you want. Pessimistic as that sounds but this old guy who has been preaching for the last 8 minutes is just that, someone who claims God wants you to give him cash. What. the. fuck.

My next move was asking him "Pakcik kutip derma ke?" (my question might have not exactly be like that but it's exactly the same gist). Apparently, people, there's a distinct difference between derma and sedekah. Derma is when you collect money for someone or a charity organization. Sedekah is when you give the money to the person needing it in front of you at no catch. If the guy is collecting derma, then he will say yes. Maybe he's been preaching on behalf of some mosque that is really in need of funding. If the guy is a con, he will also say yes. However, IF the guy's a real preacher, he will say no. This guy said..... *drumroll* no. In fact, this was his answer (something like this); "WTF man! No, i'm not collecting derma, i'm in need of sedekah! Werent you listening to what i said?" Yes, aside the "WTF man!", everything else is exactly what he said. I tried to explain myself but he cut me off and started preaching more things about doubting a person who's in need. And he said something like, he's looking for a sincere giver, if i'm doubting him then my gift for him is not sincere, thus, God shall not be amused. He said that whether if he's lying or not, that's his issue with God. the question now is whether am i sincere with what i'm giving him or not? Well, friggin obviously i'm not.

Finally, after assuring him that i am 'fucking sincere', i gave him the cash, he thanked me and went off to the next table and started preaching again. Yeah, so that's how the story ended. There were times when people asked me for donations and i wondered if that person is really using the money for any good later on. This time around, i dont care if he's using the money for good or not, i just want him to get struck by lightning right there, right now. What he did was basically using God's name to get him the money. Maybe he is using the money for a prayer mat or a new Quran but i dont think that money would ever be halal. It is a form of sedekah, i know, but using God's name for that? I dont recall God saying anything about quoting any holy scripture to get money so you can do good with it, nor preach about him to get yourself some money. Have God ever told me to give people money sincerely and generously? Yes. Have God ever told people to ask for money in His name?

Okay, i'm not being a religious smug here but what he did really ticked me off. If you disagree with my point up there and you believe that it's alright to bring God along when you're asking for donations, then i believe you have to agree with the next old lady who came to me afterwards, bringing in a small little girl with her and letting the girl ask people for donations. Both the old guy and the old lady did the same thing. I believe both is just as wrong.

Delaqroux Out.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Dorm Alone

Delaqroux Inc Updates.
ALot of people have been wondering on what am i doing staying in IPBA at the moment while everyone else has gone back. So what better way to answer that question but to have a blogpost. Sha-ZAM!

Basically, nothing. Yeah, i'm not really doing anything. But mind you; i'm not wasting my time. I do recall the quote somewhere about the "joy of doing nothing" (or was that the title of a book?) and seriously, i'm not doing anything. Just lepaking and enjoying every moment of it. Some may ask, why not just do nothing at home then? Yes, I can choose not to do anything at home where doing nothing will be more convenient; I dont have to worry about food, money or doing laundry. But doing nothing here does not refer to bumming (a verb for people who are absolute bums). In fact, i rather take charge of my own do nothing-s. I choose to do my laundry when the weather seems nice and hot. I choose what food to eat and when i am to eat. I choose how much money i would spend in a day and what should i spend them for. After all, i'm not in a rich brat's spa. I'm on holiday.

But of course, i'm not litterally doing nothing. I'm currently working on my assignments (though i have to say, only 5% of my time is spent on that), enjoying the whole-day rain last Sunday, doing some random walking around and food hunting (I've discovered The Sphere in Bangsar South yesterday - nothing much to do there but at least there's a walking distance Carrefour and some dine-out places), and Oldtown White Coffee's.. well... White Coffee. Can life get any better? Of course it can. I've been sleeping at 2am and waking up at 10am on average days (something i really missed doing). I've been playing Minecraft and DotA when i'm bored. And i let the music i love playing all day long and I found a place that sells nasi tomato. Also, i'm working on a project of drawing my own comic. Had the storyline ready so all i have to do now is to draw. Wish me luck. And another also, I've came up with a storyline for a theatrical play about teachers. Probably that would be useful some time later.

Oh, and a quick shout out goes to Eliza Doolittle, She & Him, Maroon 5 and the great Nujabes (RIP. Whether if you turn up in heaven or hell, i'm sure they would welcome your company and your good music =) who has been generous enough to sponsor my dorm alone moment with their music. Yep, for people reading this blogpost, do check out Eliza Doolittle's "Skinny Genes", "Moneybox" and "Pack Up", She & Him's Volume 1 album, Maroon 5's "Misery" and every single track produced by Nujabes.

Til then, excuse me while i hit this golf ball from the wing of an F-14 parked on a US NAVY aircraft carrier vessel (I AM LEGEND reference if you're that clueless)
Delaqroux Out.