Monday, November 24, 2008

As tagged by Miss Saw

1. What is the relationship of you and him/her?
With Nancie? Umm.. dunno.. some random people by the street.. tak kenal pun.. Ntah sape ntah.. Pandai2 je tiba-tiba tag aku... My mom said dont talk to strangers...

2. Your 5 impressions towards him/her
1. Very the kurus
2. Shorter than me
3. Only that her head is big so she looks taller than me from far
4. And her new hairstyle makes her head seems bigger
5. And yeah (time to say something nice), she looks very sweet when she smiles.. and less tembam compared if she doesnt smile.. =)

3. The most memorable things he/she had done for you.
**super long silence** uhh... well, there's this one time that i drew her (anime-ed style) and she was super happy bout it.. lolz. Her compliment really-really sound truthful so yep, not something you can get everyday =)

4. The most memorable things he/she have said to you?
"you cute til very nice leh"... it was actually a typo.. the "cute" was actually "cut".. bleh.. =3=

5. If he/she become your lover, you will...
Love her very very much then.. she's a nice girl so why not? She deserve that oso.. =)

6. If he/she become your enemy, you will...
....Shoot her. Easy.

7. If he/she become your lover, he/she has to improve on his/her
...big head.. try to make her head more balance with her body size :p

8. If he/she become your enemy, the reason is...
Because i'm out of people to hate and i must hate to continue on living.

9. The most desirable thing to do on him/her is?
Uhh... Define desirable.. Maybe just make her laugh la.. Her laugh's kinda cute.. :)
...Well, partially cute.. Cute to a certain extent..

10. The overall impression of him/her is...
\BIG HEAD!!! VERY VERY BIG HEAD!!!! LIKE OMGWTFBIGHEAD!!!! (Nancie's so gonna kill me if she found out this post. wakaka :p)

11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
Based on many sources: i dont have a friendly face, i look pissed off 24/7, i'm so anti-social, i have a "i-have-a-gun-in-my-pocket-so-dont-effing-mess-with-me" look in my face, and hell lots more... what to do la? i'm born with this face on me ardy... But for my characteristics; i cant really tell. I do tend to annoy people most of the time (and i love that annoyed look on their face :p) but people still hangout with me so, maybe they just feel that i'm an okay guy. Well, so.. yeah.. just an okay guy.. nothing special..

12. The character of you for yourself is?
Umm.. i dunno.. Not really good in describing meself...

13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
I sympathize with people too easily (i even feel sorry for the people i hate when they're in trouble), i tend to keep all problems to myself (unless i have my blog around me), i make bad decisions and end up hurting people around me (when i thought that i will only hurt myself in that process), i see bad impressions first when i'm judging someone, i question the righteousness of literally everything around me, i tend to think way too much, i tend to care too much for people, i tend to not care AT ALL about myself at some points.. and yeah, i got freaked out seeing other people crossing roads and the fact that i can never learn how to swim.

14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is?
Someone who doesnt have all that are mentioned above.

15. For the people who likes you, say something about them.
I love you all. You make me start everyday with a purpose even if it's just to have the shortest glimpse of you all for that day =)

16. Ten people to tag:
1. Preena Nair
2. Ami Hisagi
3. Adam Jay
4. Jessica May

5. Izzy Izzati
6. Kelsey Lee
7. Seetal Gill
8. Lee KL
9. Shen-Ann
10. Revathy G.

17. who is no. 2 having a relationship with?

18. Is no. 3 a male or a female?
Male.. Come on! Aint there anything more creative to ask?

19. If no. 7 and no. 10 were together, would it be a good thing?
..Well, i'm okay with lesbians. Two girls together look cute most of the times so why not? :p

20. How about no. 5 and 8?
...Ngeeee.... I dunno. Dont think it will ever happen though

21. What is no. 1 studying about?
Teaching English as Second Language. NOT CREATIVE QUESTION!!

22. Is no. 4 single?
I dunno.

23. Say something about no. 6
Umm... my senior. Really nice lady. Falls sick really often (REMINDER: Post her the health charm as soon as i get the chance!). And yep, i dont really know her but seems like she's a really really nice lady to talk to. Kinda looking forward to meeting her in person XD

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