Monday, March 16, 2009

I know what i did last summer...

Delaqroux Inc Updates!

I have been super busy the past one month and i for once finally get to say that i dont have enough time to blog about things.. wait, i've said that before? Yeah, maybe i did... Well, in any case, this is one of those times that i am so busy that i barely have enough time to blog about something. But regardless, i finally find myself an empty slot of freedom before i doze of to dreamland so here is a super quick recap.

**switches to internal power supply EVA-001 style**

Remember how i resolved to say yes to mostly everything that comes into my way? Well, yes, the very way of living has made me to say "yes" up til a point that it really tires me out. For one thing, i ended up with 18 clubs (number still growing as we speak here) and everytime there'll be a meeting, i will say "yes, i'll be there". Obviously, each and every meeting is draining me out of my own energy here but the gain is so worth it. I've made many new friends (Ryan, Sina, Sina (yep, there's two of them), Shade, Ryan's dad, Bhuvah, Noosh, Ho-San, Vincent, Benny, Richard, Fred, Seng Min, Tanasha, Dai Ling, Lorax, Rocky Raccoon, Bananaman, Andrew, Matt, Risa Shibata, Scott, Terrence, Lauren, Amanda, Flora, Anh, Simon, Samuel, Kenta, Ren, Ishak, Jack, Debbie, Bob, Wendy... and these are only the ones that i can remember, for those who isnt mentioned; i'm so so sorry for forgetting you guys..), opened up my mind and heart to things i never imagine i'll be in (Islamic teaching, Baha'i faith, Christianity, Buddhism, Atheism, Skeptism, science and religion, world of gays and lesbians, the mentally disordered etc.), get to join find time with fine-r people from all around the world (Hillsong Concert, random gatherings and dinners, Dinner and Blurb at Glebe Cafe, trip to Katoomba, Blue Mountain.. and the list goes on and on). I mean, life's good when you actually accepts it with open arms. Gee.. Darkie, where do you find all the time for that? What about class? Yeah, i have my classes and i havent miss any single one of both lecture and tutorials alike. As a matter of fact, lecture is just another oppturnity for me to get to know another random stranger, ecspecially during EDUC260's partner work during mass lectures. we have readings to do at home and while i missed a few, i would say that have nothing to do with me being busy with all those society groups. It's just me refusing to do the reading as of pure laziness :p We have already received our first assignment. While it may seem scary to few, it seems pretty enjoyable to me. I mean, we are asked to write on our literacy autobiography. While alot of people see it as some kind of a heavy work, i just consider it just as another blogpost-making (except for the fact that you're talking about your experience with language learning... what can be so hard about writing blogs, no?)

Anyways, as how Alia normally say it; it's kungfu panda time.
It's 10 o'clock but i am already feeling drowzy.
So yep, nite nite ppl!

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