Friday, April 3, 2009

Give Malaysia a second chance, pls.

Delaqroux Inc Updates!

Yesh, i admit that i have been gone for quite awhile and i know how people around are just so eager to find out the latest happening of me in Australia... well, unfortunately, i wont be talking about Australia. Imma talk about Malaysia! w00t! Like those guys normally say, the best time to talk bad of a particular subject matter is when you're far, far away. So here goes! Lolz

Okay, i'm not really talking bad about Malaysia, trust me. I'm still under scholarship by our beloved Malaysian government, why would i be talking bad about people who's giving me money...? Plus, i'm a Malay. All the benefits that the being Malaysian have given me; why should i talk bad about Malaysia? Okay, that wasnt sarcasm. I took that line from my predeparture meeting last January. Or was it from BTN? Hmm.. Or maybe both?

A note to be taken here seriously though; i wasnt being sarcastic. I am a Malay so i shouldnt talk bad about Malaysia. Continue on reading; you'll find out why.

Since two months ago (upon my arrival to Australia), i told myself this and only this; I'm not gonna give a shit about what's going on back there in Malaysia. 15 years of my life was totally wasted thinking about ways to change how things work. Now that i am in Aussie, i'm just gonna start thinking about FINDING ways to change how things work. Well, maybe i'm not making much sense but you get what i mean. Yet again, just a few moments ago, i heard that Najib's gonna be the prime minister... practically, i dont give no shit for that as well. But just a few minutes ago, i watched this short video on some song about wanting unity in Malaysia. One of my buddy was pretty much emotional about it and yeah, i was too.. a lil. Not that i give that much shit. pfft..

Okay, maybe i do. Here's the story from square one. We were having some discussion one time in IPBA right before our flight to overseas. We were talking about how fucked up some systems go in Malaysia (y'know; racial stuff, some people are being stupid but recognized, unsung heroes that passed through.. well, unsung; basically whole lot of random effed up stuff). So there we went that i start talking about how i'm going to go back to Malaysia after two years, i'm gonna be a friggin teacher and i'm going to sort some shit out even if it kills me. I know i may seem to sound idealistic but that's how the world works; matters and ideas exist correlatively and ideas comes first, matters make realization out of it. Anyways, i thought my stand was inspiring. But up to a point, another issue was raised up by other individuals that it's practically impossible to sort shit out in Malaysia. I mean, seriously, we're the government slaves for heaven's sake and we're planning to go up all the way to the head and nip the prob right out of the bud? That's insane!

Insane; yes. Impossible; maybe. Possible; if you try hard enough. Giving up before trying; retarded. So yeah, i'm not retarded (right?) and i live by the saying, "this may be crazy, so crazy that it might just work". So, i'm not going to stay and just watch things being crappy and whine about it up til i die. I think, for some reason; it wasnt a prank that God made me to be able to see things in a whole broader perspective. I tend to see flaws in righteousness, hope in insanity and fun out of nowhere. To put things transparently, i am a Malay that can never see things within the boundary of being a Malay. I see things a lil beyond that. Sounds a little too good to be a curse does it not? So maybe it is a gift. Maybe i am here to make a change out of the impossible.My existence and how i support it might have a meaning to it. I am 120% confident that God didnt make me to be a Malay but not to think in an ethnocentric way, so that i can see things in crappier perspective and run away. I am who and where I am now so i can make a difference.

So the hell am i gonna die without actually pulling some big bang off, right?

so back to the question on whether should we go back to malaysia and make a difference; it's not a matter of whether we can make a change or not- it's about whether we WANT TO or not. The point of the song was wishing to see Malaysia with Malaysian (not in the hands of some selfish sonnova... well... you get what i'm saying) Well, this is a special broadcast to all Malaysian out there, otherwise known as IPBArians studying TESL course in overseas; unfortunately, we wont be able to return back in two years and able to see malaysia with malaysians- we're the one who need to make that happen. There's no point in watching that video or writing song and shedding tears about how you wish Malaysian can finally stand united. You're the one who friggin gonna make that happen. Dont talk about shit being impossible. Malaysian get Malaysia out of the friggin English colonization, the number one dominating country by that time for God's sake. Why are we thinking that its utterly impossible to get Malaysia out of another Malaysian's hand? If you're gonna make a claim that you've seen some crazy shit to know that things would never work for you. Well, shit happens for a reason isnt it? All those crazy stuff you've faced are just stepping stones for you to come up with something crazier! Dont go watching some video about a better Malaysia and shed tears (i still did that however)- go down there, shed some blood (figuratively) and THEN we talk!

In all, i know it is sad. I want to see a united Malaysia too. I dont think i can live long enough to see that happen. But, i'm going to be a teacher. I will have a classroom of the very least 30 fresh minds. 10 of them might choose to carry my legacy of a united Malaysia. 5 of them might end up talking it to another 30 fresh minds. Out of the 150, one might one day be talking to hundreds on a national television. Out of those hundreds, maybe all of them will agree.

Insane; yes. Impossible; maybe. But to believe?
Paper cranes can fly if you believe hard enough =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I support your noble notion! 100%! but being a part of the noble thing, that requires second thought...