Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Winter's End Update

Delaqroux Inc Updates!

Yep, not much to update here. Well, actually there are things to be updated here but nah, i just dont feel like going so much in depth for each of them. So let's just go on a quick reminisce of what has been goin on for the past... well... since i last made my blogpost.

So yep, first things first, i just got back from Cornerstone Getaway Camp 2009 thingy! The camp was awesome, great company, interesting talks and pretty much a good weekend to take my mind off from things going around the normal Darkie's world and into the world of Gospel (not sure if any of that even make sense) regardless if it's one unfamiliar to mine. Well, i do get a lot of questions like, "what do you think/learn up so far?" or "How do you find the camp so far? Enlightened?". I guess my answer would be that I didnt learn much. Makes no sense? Well, let's just say as the old saying goes; "the more you learn, the more you realize there are more things you dont know" so if i'm to make such claim that i learned a whole lot of stuff (though obviously i do), that kinda goes off from my philosophy. Plus, my religious philosophy is; "religion is a pursue for answer - not the answer". So i always believe if one claim to have find the "answer", that'd probably be quite a lie as well..

Well, i dunno. I'm just mentioning this on a surface level. it goes waaaaaay more deep than this but to make things simple; i enjoyed the Getaway and thanks for all who've really made my day a kickass and an enlightening one. Whoo!

So yep, let's go to the next agenda. I'm not sure if it's just an illusion of mine but i think i never really had my experience/ opinion/ idea heard by Pamela Coutts, our coordinator. I mean, i never get the chance to talk with her, neither nor i manage to get a chance in one of her meetings to share whatever i've experienced. I got my one and only shot one time ago when she asked the whole class to tell her on how we've spent our winter break, but the shot lasted for five second. I was like "I went to NZ" and she went "which part?" and i answered "Auckland and Wellington" and that's it! Off to the next person and the next person got to elaborate everything they did back at home. I'm not implying i'm a lil guy seeking for attention here but seriously, if she's gonna be more interested in what the class has been doing (without me), i might as well go talk with this tree stump i found back in Stanwell Tops. It's either that, or make the attendance to the meeting not compulsory for me then. At least i can go back home and sleep :p

Lesseee... what else? Oh yeah, Tassie trip planned out find though i cant shake the feeling that i'll be wasting a hell lot of money for a very short worthwhile experience. It's like NZ all over again.. Damnit. I dunno but as much as I want to have the whole company that i like to travel with together with me, it seems that's the time they'll do their f*ck-me-up marvellously. Not mentioning names here and if you feel the heat, well, sucks to be you =)

Anyways, had a great dinner tonight too. Made my seafood chowder one more time but with a better result and i wanted to make this a great get-together dinner thingy and, once again, seemingly to be fruitless as it may be, but i tried to get some Malaysian to join the experience. And, as you all might have predicted, i get none (for the hundredth time). I mean, there's the dinner at the mosque and the MSA dinner going on on the same night. But seriously, where's the fun of sticking to your own group of society all the time? I know it's seriously none of my business but i just wanna share part of the mixing around fun with other people of different background among other cohort 5 macquarians as well, but it's just so hard to get them moving a lil inch of their comfort zone. I remembered the fact that someone claim folley onPamela's belief regarding moving out from MUV equals to less socializing with the world but i see it happening now. But yeah, the fact that everyone turned down my offer one by one made me feel a lil down. But good thing was that i still made the chowder (on the last minute) and brought it over to Risa's place. I thought there would be just me and her eating but it turned out, i made acquiantance with a German lady and a Chinese guy from China. They both joined the dinner along with Ahmad from the Middle East and best of all; they liked me chowder!! WHOOO!!! Had great fun talking about how sinful food can get and its ironic as i doubt my chowder is that sin-free :p

I guess that's all up til now. dont mind the bad english coz i'm kinda sleepy, it's 3am in the morn and i'm overpiled with assignments. So yeah, you get the idea. Dark out!=D

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