Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Caput Draconis

Delaqroux Inc Updates
Today, i realized that i was not able to log in to my twitter account. For some reason, i've been keying in all my possible passwords matched with all my email addresses whole morning (that was an exaggeration of course. My mornings are always spent with productive activities) - and still no log in! Probably it's because of the fact that, much like my blogger account, i rarely come back and post stuffs and thus, my account is probably closed down. Maybe twitter thought i am dead.

Anyways, somehow the word "Caput Draconis" came into my mind. Anyone have any idea what this is? It's been bugging me for the whole day. It's like one of those thing that came up in your thoughts but you cant remember where you got it and what does it mean.

Delaqroux Out.
p/s: okay, here's the truth; the reason why i'm making this short post is because i am getting paranoid that blogger might shut down my account as well if i'm not posting stuffs regularly. Oh well, you can call it a motivation to write too in a way...

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