Saturday, April 25, 2009


Delaqroux Inc. Updates LiVE in Melbourne!

So we had the intro, the diversion crap, the friggin @#$% Malaysian family, the emo moment at Oldtown and the Comedy Festival; i guess its about time we wrap this thing up. For one thing is because we're running way off the submission date (whereby i was in Melbourne two weeks ago and i have not still cover the story of Melbourne) and the second, it's kinda letting the other blogpost to get clog up. Yeah, i tend not to make and other blogpost before a series of blogpost regarding a particular story is done. So yep, unless i finish up this Melbourne series, i might not move on with any other blogpost. So let's cut to the chase now shall we?

The time i've finished the coffee, i managed to sight see the city a lil bit more until i've discovered that Harry POtter parody over at Melbourne town hall gonna be starting in 15 minutes. So, i rushed back, got the ticket and watch the whole play. Well, the play was good but not to say it's something totally thumbs up. For one thing, it is a little bit dissapointing. Of course, the fact that the whole 7 book series of Harry Potter was narrated and comically acted in just 1 hour (and in addition to that, with just 2 actors) but then again, it wasnt something someone couldnt pull off. Give me the whole 6 Star Wars Saga to summarize and pair me up with someone crazy, i bet i could pull off my own Star Wars parody show. Alas, it was a good play but somehow, something distracted me while i was enjoying the play. It was a message from Risa and she asked me whether will it be okay for me if i go back to Sydney without her tonight. Well, actually, it wasnt even a question that Risa texted me. She was just telling me that she met some LaCrosse teammates of hers and thought she would want to hang back for one extra night. So, basically, she was just tellling me to go back on the ten hours train ride alone - not asking me whether if it's okay with me or not - and not as if i am to say that it is not okay, she would change her mind - and not that if i am to say that it is not okay and she would change her mine, that will make any difference on my train ride later as she will be asleep 95% of the trip anyway - so yeah, i said okay (not that she even asked if it's okay.. pfft).

By the time the show ended, i'm kind of lost. Not the i-dont-know-which-way-to-go lost but the type of lost where you dont know which is which and what is there to do. See, my original plan was to hangout around the city and meet Risa at one of the station for some few last hours sight seeing. But now that she is gone, it is all open entertainment mode!! Wheee~~!!! But the only problem i had was, was there any more sight seeing worth doing anymore? I checked the maps and i found out that, after Oldtown in Chinatown, i have covered most of the stars in the vicinity - the remaining ones are either dead obvious boring or too far for me to reach. So, in the end, i asked a total stranger on what should i be doing. Yeah, believe that's me. Some people, when they get totally lost, they try to find something to do. Some other ask their friends on what they should be doing next. I'm in neither, i ask a stranger on what should i be doing next. So the guy next to me told me that i might as well hang around the town hall for another show as there'll be The Dellusionist performing soon. I never heard of the group but the guy told me that they've been on David Letterman's show once and several other talkshows that i have never heard of. Well, sounds good enough for me then. Besides, the gazzettes on the performance was interesting.

It says; the Dellusionist plays the survivors after a nuclear meltdown, taking refuge in Bunker number 5 - hiding from the radiated pigeons. Yeah, wtf... and "wtf" means intriguing in my book so yep, here goes another 20 bucks and i'm in the audience seat! The performance was hillarious! It's awesome how they manage to get short funny scenes similar to a cartoon show but at the same time, kind of "Family Guy-ish" and surprisingly, the end part of the performance actually made me feel like crying! No, not because of anyone dead - it is a comedy show after all and no one should have died but yeah, it's just a cool, touching ending. Of course, telling the ending here isnt gonna make any spoiler out as the Comedy Fest is already over but nah, i guess i'll save it. I might be writing some play script one of these days and i have the right idea how should i end the script =D

After the show, it was already getting dark and my train leaves in another one hour. Little did i know that i have walked a helluva way following those little stars on my map, that it takes almost an hour and a half to actually walk there. But noooo.. i was too busy taking pictures around the place to notice. But somehow, i managed to stumble across the dude who told me to catch the Delussionist show and the dude even recognized me. So i stopped picture taking for a lil conversation. That is when i told him of my marvellous adventure of travelling around in Melbourne by myself and not just that i astounded him, i amazed his friends as well. And uh... before you start glaring at me thinking why am i so full of myself, yes, i am so full of myself and yes, i am going to get a hit back by karma for being too full of myself. One of the dude's friends asked me if i can join them to hang out for dinner. So yep, considering the group consist of both guys and girls and possibilities that they're some psycho gay guy-raping team is very minimal (yeah, i'm still traumatized by what Madam Caroline told me about guy rapist in Aussie) i thought i might as well hangout a little bit. So i said, yeah, my train leaves in another hour so i guess i could hangback for half an hour or so.

That was when the dude asked me what train am i catching. And that was when i told him that it is CountryLink and that was when he guessed that i'm taking the train from Southern Cross station and that was when they told me that Southern Cross station is friggin miles away from here. So yeah, aside to the effect where the camera stays in a distance to my face while the background seems to zoom in closer towards the camera, i start feeling the chill that i am gonna miss the train and i'm going to sleep in the streets tonight all by myself with no one to accompany me! That's Lee - not me! (KLIA incident last year where Lee missed a plane.. Sorry Lee) So i told the guys that i must be off and so i did.

Somehow, i always believe that i am able to walk 50% faster at nightime without getting tired. But running twice as fast as i could walk normally, i basically moved at 200% my movement speed... yeah, it's not making much sense. Dont mind me... But the point is that, i ran as fast as i can. But before i realize it, i havent been running in a while and yeah, this is the first time that i ran full-speed since i arrive in Australia. The feeling of wind gushing through as i moved so fast was so satisfying. And it was Melbourne's chilly night air we're talking about here, not Malaysia's sticky dusty KL night air. Plus, the city of Melbourne, the gothic buildings, the tram cars, the streets filled with old pavements for the sidewalk; looked glimmerish at night. Not sure whether was it because that i was running too fast to figure out how the city actually looked like but one thing for sure, nothing could stop me running that time and hell yeah, i enjoyed it!

So i managed to get on the platform on time 10 minutes before the train started moving and damn, was that a narrow call or what? But in all, i am so in love with Melbourne. I love Sydney for the city hustle and bustle but there is just something about Melbourne similar to how it was when i spent my night sleeping on the streets of Melaka last year. Kinda have that authentic feel to the streets and yep, guess i'lll be back here one more time before i leave Aussie for good.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Delaqroux Inc Update on
The (mel)Bourne Supremacy Ep.2!!

So, yeah, there was that Malay family who pissed me off alright. But imma not gonna let that ruin my day. So after i walked away from them and off further and further away from Harbour City, i realized, i have no idea where i should be going next. So, it's back to hunting those little stars scattered all over the map then. The closest one would be at the stadium and yeah, considering the size of that dome, i thought i might as well give it a look.

By the time i reached there, the whole place was freaking full with people. Plus, all of them wore two different sets of jerseys. One was yellow and black while the other, blue and white (Yeah, like, contrasting colors.. phew). So yep, there was a match going on and finally, i decided that before i move on to the next scenic spot, maybe i should at least ask someone on which team is fighting which. So i pretended to look over some team merchantdise and the one who was closest to where i stood, shall by my information counter. Thus, there was this family guy and i asked him as planned. He gladly told me: "Oawh, we 'ave the Tasmanian Hawthorns (i finally figured that it was "hawthorns" after looking at the hawk logos on the t-shirt. It sounded at first as if the guy was saying "Tasmanian Hawtness".. sorry, i'm still kinda coping up with aussie accent) uhgainst the Mazduh Kang'roo ere todai. As y'can see ere mate, i'm all up rootin' for the Hawthorns. See no jersai you have on. You ere for the match?" So i said, nope, i'm not and i told him that i'm still new in Australian and to all its sport frenzies. And i swear to God the guy told me "Awww, well, it's not too laite (late) to start learn'n somethin' new todai. You ave som free time to spare?" I nodded. "How 'bout you get this ere jersey (shows Tasmanian jersey), and i'll buy you a ticket fer you to get insoide- all on me!" So yeah, i was like, whoa... wh-what?? The guy insisted that he wants to buy me a free ticket as long as i start my first journey into the world of football by being a Tasmania Hawthorns fan. I was this close to making a deal with the guy but then i saw that the game will only start at 1.30pm and probably going to end at 4.30pm. By that time, Risa will be back from Lacrosse and i would probably get no Melbourne sight seeing done at all. Hence, i turned that golden oppoturnity off (shoot me for i broke my "Yes Man" resolution... sigh) Thus, my journey continues!

p/s: Note how nice Aussies can be and how friggin rude the Malaysian family was? pfft...

So i went sight seeing all over and yeah, Melbourne city is awesome! Most of the buildings are new but there are always a building with a Gothic architecture on every corner. And aside to that, there are plenty of things on the sidewalk to see too like Street perfomers, Royal Carriage passing by, Classic looking tram cars etc. etc. Before i knew it, i reached Melbourne Town Hall and yeah, that place was full of people too. Curious, i went in and had a peek. It was the International comedy fest and there was like over 30 shows on just for today, some in the Town Hall, others scattered all throughout the city. As a matter of fact, even Pablo Fransisco will be on tonight at 10pm! Yeah, kind of make me regret that i'm not staying here for the day. But then again, there was some Harry Potter parody and the sound of it was interesting. The gazzete commentary reads, "All 7 Harry Potter books in 1 hour and hysterically pulled off! 4 STARS!" Sounds good enough for me. Looking at the time, the show will just take an hour so yep, its not gonna eat so much of my time. I might as well get a ticket and see the show and so i did! The show didnt start immediately and thus i have tour around the vicinity first. One of those stars lead me to Chinatown in Melbourne City! Yep, it really had that Asian feeling to it and not to mention, Malaysian too. Before i even realize it, i found myself at a Chendol Restaurant (Whoo-hoo! Chendol! OM NOM NOM NOM!), a Chinese food shop that says Sambal Kampung (Sambal Kampung! OM NOM NOM NOM!), an Indonesian stall that serves nice hot Nasi Lemak (Nasi Lemak! OM NOM NOM NOM!) and finally... Oldtown... White Coffee... Yeah, there was an Oldtown White Coffee outlet. By that time, i was overwhelmed by emotions. Tried to wash it off by thinking, nah, it's probably just an unofficial copy of the brand or maybe, some outlet with coincidentally with the memorable Oldtown i know back in Malaysia. But alas, i brought myself in just to be sure. Effing hell! IT IS OLDTOWN!! The menus are almost the same! There's Oldtown Nasi Lemak, there's Adam's Nasi Rendang and Hot Cocoa, there's Jessica's... uh... what did she use to order again (oldtown memorably i think)? Well, the point is: it's the same effing OLDTOWN!! I still refuse to believe it but my soul was already pierced from all sides by emotions. No, not the teary ones; that's obnoxious. It's the "I-miss-those-moments" ones. Finally, i found myself ordering Oldtown Ice blended white coffee, partially to prove that it cant be the same white coffee i used to have, but the other intention was just to have a taste of that moment again. Yeah.. unfortunately (fortunately) it was the same taste of white coffee.. but the taste of the moment wasnt as sweet as i remembered it. There's no one around me that i know of. All those that shared the same Oldtown moment are all miles away from me. I miss them all. Seeing me sulking around the coffee, one of the waiter asked me "is there anything else, sir?". "Nah, it's okay. I'm good. Just remembering back good times" I replied. I thought the guy my be thinking "eeeeemooooooo" but regardless, he just said "Oh okay, take your time"

I said that to everyone I was with back in Oldtown, Malaysia. So, i smiled back and look at the reflection of myself in the windows. I used to said that to the company i'm having when i was in Oldtown back then, i thought. So, yeah, "take your time..."

Monday, April 13, 2009


Delaqroux Inc. LIVE in MELBOURNE!!

Cower before me as I, Dark A. Delaqroux, have gone beyond the city of New South Wales and go South-er to the land of Melbourne!!!! BWahahaha!! And thus, making me the first cohort 5 guy to go THAT far in aussie. Thank you! Thank you! I love you all! What? There's some who've gone to Newcastle?.... Well, but not alone! I went there alone and as vigoriously as a vigorious lone wolf! Yes! All by myself!! Aaaaaalll by maaaaaaaiseeeeeeelf... Muahahahaha!! What? Risa? No, no risa. she gone to see that little game of La Crosse somewhere and so we went seperate ways. Yep, i admit that i told everyone i'll be going with Risa.. well, she's just a DIVERSION!! I am still kickass!!! MUAHAHAHAHAA!!!!

Okay, so let's begin. We.. i mean.. I (Big I)arrived at Southern Cross station at 7.00am and thus leaving me with absolutely nothing to do. I mean, seriously, everything in Aussie goes operational at 9am (and that's the earliest) so yep, i have 2 hours to spend. So i take little Risa for a walk around the place. But little that she know, all those walk around for a short hour before she took her train off to her LaCrosse game was ANOTHER DIVERSION!! So finally, when the short hand of the clock struck nine, i shoo-ed Risa to the game and lo and behold! MELBOURNE IS MAAAAAAAAAAIIIINNEEEE!!!! **another evil laugh**

So first stop was of course the Dockside. I managed to get this map of the city from the tourist info counter and the map have these little stars scattered all around showing the highlights of the city. So yep, remember dragon ball and that little blinky radar showing the positions of them balls? Well, that map and those little stars somewhat works the same way. And the nearest so far is the star on victoria harbour and hence, i go. But, somehow, upon a few minutes of walking around the area, there was no victoria harbour! The whole friggin area was still under construction!!! So what's that friggin star doing there in that map then?? And that it when i realized, it was A DIVERSION!!! Damn your black heart, o info counter lady!!! So off to the next star. Thankfully, that little diversion stalled enough time for all the shops in Harbour city to be opened and operational so there was plenty to see and shop around in Harbour City. Bargains are everywhere and shopping by the sea; nothing beats that! (Oh yeah, so info counter lady, the part where i screamt "diversion" miserably was actually A DIVERSION TOO!! Thanks to your 'diversion' i reap good benefit out of it. So who's miserable now huh? Who? Huh?) Anyways, i got a necklace, a lil bag for my lil sis, a CD for my dad and now to look for some stuff for mom. Hmm.. maybe i shouldnt be writing it down here coz she might be reading this. Or perhaps, i can still say what i bought for her but i will make her not realize it, by mentioning a whole lot of other stuff i bought as a DIVERSION!

So yeah, apart to wandering brainlessly.. i mean, courageously and ending up in the staff entrance to Cirque de Soleil (there was this circus on and all the staff wore black uniform. I thought they were guests so i trailed some of them and got myself into the staff entrance and office, perfectly blended in. But soon i realized some staff were looking at me as they start putting their name tags. THAT was when i realized they were all staff so i ran out. Wheeheehee...), i got myself a bagel and sat down to eat it. there were plenty of seats all around. I found one in the shade so i sat there and enjoy my coffee and bagel. That was when a family sat next to me. There were five of them so some of them were standing up. Well, i pretty much ignored their presence. i mean, of course you will right? And that is when i realized that the family who sat next to me, was speaking Malay!! They were saying something about me eating the doughnut. Yeah, bagel is shaped like a donut so no biggie. And that was when i heard them saying something to shoo me off. Something like "orang kat sebelah ni tak tau bila nak blah ke?" So i was like "what?" I didnt say this out loud though. I pretended not to hear anything (i was sitting down with my headphones after all). i Turned my eavesdropping mode on and i picked another line; "bagi la orang tua duduk kalau ye pun nak lantak donat dia tu" "entah" "orang cakap biasanya orang asia ni courteous. Yang orang rea-ko (Korea) ni kureng skit" "Duduk je la. Sendeng skit kat dia. kasi sempit, pandai2 la dia bangun nanti"

.............that was when i slammed down my bagel. Took my hot coffee and pour it and the woman next to me. The husband panicked and i dunno what the fuck he was saying but i dont give a shit. I dont speak malay, i speak sign language, and my kick to your balls means "I dont like you". That was when the crowd noticed the commotion. Some of them turned at me and said something. I yelled "DIAM" at them and continue kicking the husband on the floor. Yeah!! Say hello to my little friend, you sonnovabi.....

Of course, none of this happened. They were just a diversion off the real thing that happened. They were 'sendeng-ing' me off the seat afterwards and fuck yeah, i was all out pissed. Taking a big bite off my bagel, i was then realized the taste of warm, sweet melted butter covering the soft powdery sensation within the crispy outer crust off my baked bagel that i took the bite from. I took a small sip from my coffee and let the milky-sweetness, warm and calming coffee go down my throat; as the cool, chill ocean breeze swept accross me, with many gentle cold hands slipping through my hair as if a very gentle lady patting a child gently on the head for a very good deed he had done. Perhaps, the child was being polite all day. Or perhaps, the child helped the lady to do some chores without being told to. Or perhaps, the child held back his anger and refuse to get in a fight even when there's some other people talking bad behind him and trying to get him off his seat. If the latter is the case, the child had been good. A very good boy he had been, and that's why he's getting the sense of self contentment of the bagel he's having, the coffee he's sipping and the wind gently fanning him to a state of calmness and peace. And thus, the boy walked away, humming happily without getting angry to the people sitting next to him just now.

Nah, i wont make any comments about what happened. You do the judging. Anyways, there's no more stars around the dockside area and hence i move to the next stop; the city centre!! Wheee!!!


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Faery Tale Adventure 2

Delaqroux Inc Review!

And when i said "review" this time, i mean, we're gonna review way, way, waaaay back in time... or to be specific, 1997. There wasnt much to be awed about gaming industry back then. Games are pretty much constructed on a very simple mechanism, mainly bashing everything that moves, repeatedly pressing an attack button and insane amount of red pixelated blobs which are supposed to be splatters of blood and flesh after a kill, supposedly representing realistic gaming violence and gore (*cough* Mortal Kombat *cough*). Gaming wasnt revolutionary. There was no such term as next gen. There were no kickass graphic or epic gameplay. Everything either narrows down to repetitive action, puzzle, insane button mashing, 'realistically' depicted fighting games or point-and-click system.

But then there was some company who tried to make a difference. Some succeeded but most died in the effort. The successful ones marked a big stepping stone in the gaming industry up until today such as blizzard with Diablo (RPG) and Warcraft (RTS), Eidos with Tomb Raider (Adventure) etc.. Those who have fallen; remain unheard through the ever flowing course of time, their glory unrecognized. Yet, there are few who heeded to their dying call. I was one of them. So, here, we're gonna give some tribute to those unsung heroes of the gaming industry.

So if i'm going to ask, "anyone here ever played The Faery tale Adventures 2?", i can be more than sure that the whole place will fall into a dead silence. Yeah, no one ever heard of it. But i tell you, that RPG game produced in 1997, was among the greatest RPG with the most epic storyline i have ever played.

As how Diablo allows you to control a single, fully customizable character, The Faery Tale Adventure 2 (TFTA2) allows to control THREE at the same time (you control one while the other two is controlled by the computer but you may switch control with the computer at any time). Of course, the AI controlling the two character isnt as smart and they tend to get stuck in corners at time but when things get rough, they do cover your back and they're freaking good at it too. Aside to that, the NPC number is phenomenal. The world is divided into around 10 continents or so with five of them human habited and the others are entirely controlled by demons and monsters. But the amount of NPC in every villages and towns are massive. And another highlight to that is that all the NPC are voiced! That's something rare for a game dating back as 1997 isnt it? The graphic consist of pixels but it is good enough for you to identify the character's gender and what's the character doing. The fighting system, however, is unique. While it may seem that you can mash your right mouse button over and over to attack an enemy, the battle system is actually turn-based, and strategy really kicks in at this point where you have to make a decision on whether to continue bashing the enemy, retreat, evade, cast a spell (which may take awhile to be casted but with devastating effect once casted successfully) defend the next oncoming attack, or protect your teammates. Not forgetting, deciding whether your two AI controlled character to either bash the same enemy unit, or provide u some cover from other oncoming enemies, so you can have a one on one duel with the enemy. For a game made in 1997, crappy sound system and in 2D graphics, how cool is that fighting system for you? The adventuring aspect of the game is pretty epic as well. There is the main missions, obviously, but most of those missions requires you to travel around the continent and trips' expenses are never sponsored. You have to earn your own keep. That is when you may choose to either take a heroic sidequest of slaying a cave full of goblins, help a damsel in distress (who turned out to be the mayor's daughter- earning you a free one-way trip if you helped her out) or even as simple of a job as picking apples in an orchard. Seriously, no kidding! You have all your rights to choose!

Oh.. and as a side note there; i worked as a burglar back then, killing travellers to get some easy money :p

So in all, i freakin enjoyed Faery Tale Adventure 2 as one of my earliest RPG game ever. The company went bankrupt after producing the game with such a high budget and expense. But to me, it sparked out my interest to explore deeper within the RPG world of gaming. Of course, one company went down the drain in the process of revolutionizing the RPG concept of gaming. But i grew to love RPG from them.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Give Malaysia a second chance, pls.

Delaqroux Inc Updates!

Yesh, i admit that i have been gone for quite awhile and i know how people around are just so eager to find out the latest happening of me in Australia... well, unfortunately, i wont be talking about Australia. Imma talk about Malaysia! w00t! Like those guys normally say, the best time to talk bad of a particular subject matter is when you're far, far away. So here goes! Lolz

Okay, i'm not really talking bad about Malaysia, trust me. I'm still under scholarship by our beloved Malaysian government, why would i be talking bad about people who's giving me money...? Plus, i'm a Malay. All the benefits that the being Malaysian have given me; why should i talk bad about Malaysia? Okay, that wasnt sarcasm. I took that line from my predeparture meeting last January. Or was it from BTN? Hmm.. Or maybe both?

A note to be taken here seriously though; i wasnt being sarcastic. I am a Malay so i shouldnt talk bad about Malaysia. Continue on reading; you'll find out why.

Since two months ago (upon my arrival to Australia), i told myself this and only this; I'm not gonna give a shit about what's going on back there in Malaysia. 15 years of my life was totally wasted thinking about ways to change how things work. Now that i am in Aussie, i'm just gonna start thinking about FINDING ways to change how things work. Well, maybe i'm not making much sense but you get what i mean. Yet again, just a few moments ago, i heard that Najib's gonna be the prime minister... practically, i dont give no shit for that as well. But just a few minutes ago, i watched this short video on some song about wanting unity in Malaysia. One of my buddy was pretty much emotional about it and yeah, i was too.. a lil. Not that i give that much shit. pfft..

Okay, maybe i do. Here's the story from square one. We were having some discussion one time in IPBA right before our flight to overseas. We were talking about how fucked up some systems go in Malaysia (y'know; racial stuff, some people are being stupid but recognized, unsung heroes that passed through.. well, unsung; basically whole lot of random effed up stuff). So there we went that i start talking about how i'm going to go back to Malaysia after two years, i'm gonna be a friggin teacher and i'm going to sort some shit out even if it kills me. I know i may seem to sound idealistic but that's how the world works; matters and ideas exist correlatively and ideas comes first, matters make realization out of it. Anyways, i thought my stand was inspiring. But up to a point, another issue was raised up by other individuals that it's practically impossible to sort shit out in Malaysia. I mean, seriously, we're the government slaves for heaven's sake and we're planning to go up all the way to the head and nip the prob right out of the bud? That's insane!

Insane; yes. Impossible; maybe. Possible; if you try hard enough. Giving up before trying; retarded. So yeah, i'm not retarded (right?) and i live by the saying, "this may be crazy, so crazy that it might just work". So, i'm not going to stay and just watch things being crappy and whine about it up til i die. I think, for some reason; it wasnt a prank that God made me to be able to see things in a whole broader perspective. I tend to see flaws in righteousness, hope in insanity and fun out of nowhere. To put things transparently, i am a Malay that can never see things within the boundary of being a Malay. I see things a lil beyond that. Sounds a little too good to be a curse does it not? So maybe it is a gift. Maybe i am here to make a change out of the impossible.My existence and how i support it might have a meaning to it. I am 120% confident that God didnt make me to be a Malay but not to think in an ethnocentric way, so that i can see things in crappier perspective and run away. I am who and where I am now so i can make a difference.

So the hell am i gonna die without actually pulling some big bang off, right?

so back to the question on whether should we go back to malaysia and make a difference; it's not a matter of whether we can make a change or not- it's about whether we WANT TO or not. The point of the song was wishing to see Malaysia with Malaysian (not in the hands of some selfish sonnova... well... you get what i'm saying) Well, this is a special broadcast to all Malaysian out there, otherwise known as IPBArians studying TESL course in overseas; unfortunately, we wont be able to return back in two years and able to see malaysia with malaysians- we're the one who need to make that happen. There's no point in watching that video or writing song and shedding tears about how you wish Malaysian can finally stand united. You're the one who friggin gonna make that happen. Dont talk about shit being impossible. Malaysian get Malaysia out of the friggin English colonization, the number one dominating country by that time for God's sake. Why are we thinking that its utterly impossible to get Malaysia out of another Malaysian's hand? If you're gonna make a claim that you've seen some crazy shit to know that things would never work for you. Well, shit happens for a reason isnt it? All those crazy stuff you've faced are just stepping stones for you to come up with something crazier! Dont go watching some video about a better Malaysia and shed tears (i still did that however)- go down there, shed some blood (figuratively) and THEN we talk!

In all, i know it is sad. I want to see a united Malaysia too. I dont think i can live long enough to see that happen. But, i'm going to be a teacher. I will have a classroom of the very least 30 fresh minds. 10 of them might choose to carry my legacy of a united Malaysia. 5 of them might end up talking it to another 30 fresh minds. Out of the 150, one might one day be talking to hundreds on a national television. Out of those hundreds, maybe all of them will agree.

Insane; yes. Impossible; maybe. But to believe?
Paper cranes can fly if you believe hard enough =)