Saturday, April 25, 2009


Delaqroux Inc. Updates LiVE in Melbourne!

So we had the intro, the diversion crap, the friggin @#$% Malaysian family, the emo moment at Oldtown and the Comedy Festival; i guess its about time we wrap this thing up. For one thing is because we're running way off the submission date (whereby i was in Melbourne two weeks ago and i have not still cover the story of Melbourne) and the second, it's kinda letting the other blogpost to get clog up. Yeah, i tend not to make and other blogpost before a series of blogpost regarding a particular story is done. So yep, unless i finish up this Melbourne series, i might not move on with any other blogpost. So let's cut to the chase now shall we?

The time i've finished the coffee, i managed to sight see the city a lil bit more until i've discovered that Harry POtter parody over at Melbourne town hall gonna be starting in 15 minutes. So, i rushed back, got the ticket and watch the whole play. Well, the play was good but not to say it's something totally thumbs up. For one thing, it is a little bit dissapointing. Of course, the fact that the whole 7 book series of Harry Potter was narrated and comically acted in just 1 hour (and in addition to that, with just 2 actors) but then again, it wasnt something someone couldnt pull off. Give me the whole 6 Star Wars Saga to summarize and pair me up with someone crazy, i bet i could pull off my own Star Wars parody show. Alas, it was a good play but somehow, something distracted me while i was enjoying the play. It was a message from Risa and she asked me whether will it be okay for me if i go back to Sydney without her tonight. Well, actually, it wasnt even a question that Risa texted me. She was just telling me that she met some LaCrosse teammates of hers and thought she would want to hang back for one extra night. So, basically, she was just tellling me to go back on the ten hours train ride alone - not asking me whether if it's okay with me or not - and not as if i am to say that it is not okay, she would change her mind - and not that if i am to say that it is not okay and she would change her mine, that will make any difference on my train ride later as she will be asleep 95% of the trip anyway - so yeah, i said okay (not that she even asked if it's okay.. pfft).

By the time the show ended, i'm kind of lost. Not the i-dont-know-which-way-to-go lost but the type of lost where you dont know which is which and what is there to do. See, my original plan was to hangout around the city and meet Risa at one of the station for some few last hours sight seeing. But now that she is gone, it is all open entertainment mode!! Wheee~~!!! But the only problem i had was, was there any more sight seeing worth doing anymore? I checked the maps and i found out that, after Oldtown in Chinatown, i have covered most of the stars in the vicinity - the remaining ones are either dead obvious boring or too far for me to reach. So, in the end, i asked a total stranger on what should i be doing. Yeah, believe that's me. Some people, when they get totally lost, they try to find something to do. Some other ask their friends on what they should be doing next. I'm in neither, i ask a stranger on what should i be doing next. So the guy next to me told me that i might as well hang around the town hall for another show as there'll be The Dellusionist performing soon. I never heard of the group but the guy told me that they've been on David Letterman's show once and several other talkshows that i have never heard of. Well, sounds good enough for me then. Besides, the gazzettes on the performance was interesting.

It says; the Dellusionist plays the survivors after a nuclear meltdown, taking refuge in Bunker number 5 - hiding from the radiated pigeons. Yeah, wtf... and "wtf" means intriguing in my book so yep, here goes another 20 bucks and i'm in the audience seat! The performance was hillarious! It's awesome how they manage to get short funny scenes similar to a cartoon show but at the same time, kind of "Family Guy-ish" and surprisingly, the end part of the performance actually made me feel like crying! No, not because of anyone dead - it is a comedy show after all and no one should have died but yeah, it's just a cool, touching ending. Of course, telling the ending here isnt gonna make any spoiler out as the Comedy Fest is already over but nah, i guess i'll save it. I might be writing some play script one of these days and i have the right idea how should i end the script =D

After the show, it was already getting dark and my train leaves in another one hour. Little did i know that i have walked a helluva way following those little stars on my map, that it takes almost an hour and a half to actually walk there. But noooo.. i was too busy taking pictures around the place to notice. But somehow, i managed to stumble across the dude who told me to catch the Delussionist show and the dude even recognized me. So i stopped picture taking for a lil conversation. That is when i told him of my marvellous adventure of travelling around in Melbourne by myself and not just that i astounded him, i amazed his friends as well. And uh... before you start glaring at me thinking why am i so full of myself, yes, i am so full of myself and yes, i am going to get a hit back by karma for being too full of myself. One of the dude's friends asked me if i can join them to hang out for dinner. So yep, considering the group consist of both guys and girls and possibilities that they're some psycho gay guy-raping team is very minimal (yeah, i'm still traumatized by what Madam Caroline told me about guy rapist in Aussie) i thought i might as well hangout a little bit. So i said, yeah, my train leaves in another hour so i guess i could hangback for half an hour or so.

That was when the dude asked me what train am i catching. And that was when i told him that it is CountryLink and that was when he guessed that i'm taking the train from Southern Cross station and that was when they told me that Southern Cross station is friggin miles away from here. So yeah, aside to the effect where the camera stays in a distance to my face while the background seems to zoom in closer towards the camera, i start feeling the chill that i am gonna miss the train and i'm going to sleep in the streets tonight all by myself with no one to accompany me! That's Lee - not me! (KLIA incident last year where Lee missed a plane.. Sorry Lee) So i told the guys that i must be off and so i did.

Somehow, i always believe that i am able to walk 50% faster at nightime without getting tired. But running twice as fast as i could walk normally, i basically moved at 200% my movement speed... yeah, it's not making much sense. Dont mind me... But the point is that, i ran as fast as i can. But before i realize it, i havent been running in a while and yeah, this is the first time that i ran full-speed since i arrive in Australia. The feeling of wind gushing through as i moved so fast was so satisfying. And it was Melbourne's chilly night air we're talking about here, not Malaysia's sticky dusty KL night air. Plus, the city of Melbourne, the gothic buildings, the tram cars, the streets filled with old pavements for the sidewalk; looked glimmerish at night. Not sure whether was it because that i was running too fast to figure out how the city actually looked like but one thing for sure, nothing could stop me running that time and hell yeah, i enjoyed it!

So i managed to get on the platform on time 10 minutes before the train started moving and damn, was that a narrow call or what? But in all, i am so in love with Melbourne. I love Sydney for the city hustle and bustle but there is just something about Melbourne similar to how it was when i spent my night sleeping on the streets of Melaka last year. Kinda have that authentic feel to the streets and yep, guess i'lll be back here one more time before i leave Aussie for good.


Anonymous said...

Fuhhhh... you made it! Don't push your luck too far the next time, bro..

Dark A. Delaqroux said...

pushing my luck too far? am i? what do you mean? 0__0