Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Night to Woo: A Life for Who?

Delaqroux Inc Updates!

And just last night, i was at this joint meeting between Coffee Club and OCF: " A night to Woo with Geoffrey Woo" (i still think someone who came up with the event's name might still be friggin proud with himself =__=) Anyways, Geoffrey Woo is a Christian singer who wrote and sing his own songs for churches, gatherings and OCF convention (He mentioned that he first wrote his song in the 1st OCF Convention back in 1979... dang.. how old is this guy??). Anyways, his song and his acoustic skill is awesome and yep, definitely a night to w... REMEMBER! Well, i got one of his song recorded inside my camera and i do feel like sharing it here. But i dont know if there'll be any copyright infringement later on. After all, Mr. Woo picked those songs out of his newly released album "Geogeny" so yeah, i do recommend it regardless if you're Christian/non-Christian looking for inspiration, a word of wisdom, spiritual reflection or just plain good music and lyrics.

Anyways, if you've been following my twitter feeds (TWEETER TWEETER TWEETER!!... sorry, it's so irresistable to do that), you'll found out that this brain of mine still works like a mean pink labour machine regardless of what passive state i desire to put it in. So yeah, there was this one point where Geoffrey Woo sang this song about Ayisha (i dunno who that girl is though) looking for love and how the song talks about how God already has someone waiting for her in the horizon... Ohkaaaaay... Well, i have no offence against the song or such beliefs but something that Mr. Woo said struck me a lil. He was telling us a story about his mom who got married with a non-Christian and the guy sorta 'converted' to Christianity. But at some point in their life, the guy chose to get married to another lady, ignore everything about Christianity's teaching about poligamy being forbidden, and just, well, get married to a second wife. So Woo told us how their life was complicated. And his moral of the story, if you're a girl who walks in the light (as in a Christian i suppose), find a guy who also walks in the light. Okay, it does make perfect sense but what about those guys in the dark? Woo gave a chuckle and said something like, unless you have some way to have one walking on the lightside and another on the darkside, then why bother putting your life in such complication. Wait, what??

Please, pardon me if i'm analyzing things wrong and yeah, i cant stop my head from thinking and the only purpose of me writing this blogpost down here, and perhaps my whole reason for living, is for one of the purpose of my living; to be enlightened. Thus, enlighten me =)

Well, somehow, i dont really agree with the whole two sides thing. Of course, the theory makes perfect sense, if you're a cat then find a cat as your mate, dont find a bunny (referrence to the Doki & Nobi movie)or you'll just looking for trouble. If you're under the light then find a guy who's also under the light - lesser the relationship stress. But, as a first hand experience here; what if YOU are the guy walking in the darkside? Specifically, yeah, yours truly. See, my ex was a Christian and i am a Muslim, but somehow, for some friggin reasons, we got in a relationship. Now let's say my ex was the one in the light and me, being non-Christian is the one not walking in the light. I thought it was a bad move to get in a relationship and i tried to say that to her so many times, that we should break up coz there's no future for us (i'm never on the idea of converting so yeah). But milady was a woman of great faith in God, she insisted that she believe everything exist for a reason and that God made her to meet me. And it's not all about religious conversion crap that we normally heard of in a relationships, it's just pure way of God teaching people how to love one another, regardless the difference or which side we are in. That's the point where if so such beliefs are true, than religion is such a beautiful thing. Make sense doesnt it? So, figuratively, i asked her if i should go to the light side for her then. And she answered that i may stay where i am. Regardless on which side we are walking on, we can always hold hands and be for each other.

Yeah, my ex says the sweetest things, i know. But time progresses on and the guy walking in the darkside let go off her hand and thus they were seperated. I figured that it might just be a good idea for her to find some other guy on her side, and me on mine. But i regretted every bit of that decision up until now. And if it's my religious belief tell me that it's the right thing to do, why is my concious tell me that it's not? So yeah, personal reflection here. What do you think about being someone walking in any particular side (i wont use which side is darker or brighter) and falling in love with someone on the other? Is that a curse or you digging your own grave pit, or do you take it as something that occur for a reason? Or are you the type of person who will grab the person you love to your side; while it may be a responsible thing to do with you being religious and all, but i kinda think it's a little selfish empathetically... or maybe it's not? What do you think?

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