Monday, January 26, 2009

Pon Pon Pata Pon!!!

Delaqroux Inc Pon Pon Chaka Chaka!!!!!

Lolz. I have finally finished the Patapon game on my PSP and hell yeah, it's one hell of an epic game. For those who are never aware of the Patapon franchise, well, it is basically a Japanese game made by Japan Studio and Pyramid. Technically, Patapon is a clan of little creatures who can basically be described as little eyeballs with limbs, tribal looking hats and wield barbaric weapons (spears, axes, bows, clubs, halberd... depending on the position you assigned to those creatures).

Usually, girls will be squealing upon the sight of Patapons and their merry little song as they travel from point A to point B of the map. Yeah, they are cute. But wait until you see what these Patapons are able of. Basically, within the game, you are Almighty (Put your name here) and you have signed the contract with the Patapon Ancients to be leading the Patapon to glory. So how do you do that? Well, remember when i said Patapon sings merry little songs? In truth, they're not merry little songs; they are actually war cries based on YOUR rhythm of the war drum. That's right. You are blessed with the War Drum and you drums your.. well.. drum to command the Patapons to glory. There are four different drums in total (Pon, Pata, Chaka and Don) and six different combination of the four commands the Patapon to attack, move forward, retreat, defend, charge power and summon miracles straight from the heavens. But its not easy (Witness how Almighty Shogi scampers with the drums douchely as he mislead his Patapon army to oblivion). Commanding the Patapons means grooving with the Patapon beat. There are 1,2,3,4 beat to follow everything you drummed a command and while it may still sound easy, the whole screen can be chaotic with the Patapon laying onslaught across everything on screen and you, strategizing for the next strategy while waiting for your cue on the rhythm. Keep drumming and staying on the beat puts the Patapon on Fever mode where they lay even bigger chaos upon those that stands before them. So its all up to you. Stay with the beat, drum the rhythm and your Patapon reigns supreme across the land.
So what do Patapons do? Well, Patapons are at war with the Zigoton. Another clan who are willing to do anything to stop Patapon from reaching Earthend. Patapons and Zigotons live on a legend of something known simply as "IT"" (yes, "it") at the end of the earth. Patapon marched on determination while the Zigoton resist the march on greed (it is believed that Zigoton want to have It all for themselves). Along the road to Earthend, Zigoton will try everything to stop the Patapon; summoning massive army, using onslaught machines, releasing ancient creatures, building defensive fortress and even making a pact with the Devils (which suggestively might be another Almighty for the Zigoton similar to you as the Patapon's Almighty). Along the way, you recover hidden ancient powerful secrets of the Patapons and what "It" might actually be.
In all, the game may seem simple but it does not. only those with the ability to put themselves on trance with the beat are able to command their Patapons with ultimate glory. And behold, Patapon (as the game of the year based on IGN) reveals a battle system more complex than you ever imagine before with storyline full of revealation, madness, greed and deceit as the Patapons lays their faith fully on you to guide them to glory.
Drum the march... Let the war begins...

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