Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Delaqroux LIVE in OZ: Teaser

Delaqroux Inc Updates

And yep, in less than 24 hours from now, i'll be up in the air and on my way straight to Aussie (hopefully it will work out that way- i dont want to star in a whole new version of Lost). So yeah, i have this feeling of blogging something about it but at the same time, i cant think of anything to say. Describing my feelings now would be an awkward thing to do coz literally, i dont feel much of anything. Of course, there's a wee bit of excitement there, some suspense, a tad of laziness (going back to studying mode; bring up the sloth in you anytime, anywhere), a lil bit of emotionality so yep, to sum how i'm feeling now is 45% i-cant-wait-to-go, 45% can-i-just-stay-in-ipba-with-everyone and the remaining 10% is... well... i dont know... unidentified substance and hot gas... huh??

So yeah, now that i'm here; might as well make it to a lil bit of a blogpost for my friends (and fans). So yep, for those who i wont be seeing for the next two years, fellow ipbarians mainly, it had been fun spending time with you guys ecspecially Adam (the only reason his name comes up first is because his name starts with an A and a D... no gay elements intended here), Adelynn, Amy, Anita, Ann, Bee Fei, Chew, Daryl, Estee, Geam, Grace, Ivon, Izzy, Jessica, Kelsey, Kok Lian, Loong, Lucille, Preena, Mun Ting, Nancie, Naveen, Revathy, Seetal, Sem, Sharmyn, Shogi and Vimal (NOTE: Do note me up if i missed anyone.. trying hard to remember everyone at the same time and you know how terrible my brain max cap is). There are some in which i can just never be grateful enough that i have met you people, and unfortunately there are some also in which i wished i've met you guys a lil earlier as not being able to spend time with great people like you guys is a super big dissapointment and among the biggest regrets of my life... (gee.. i sound like i really have a lot of regret in my life...) Gosh, i really feel like posting individual paragraphs just to thank you guys personally (in which maybe i will one day if i really come to it. lolz) Well, that aside, you guys've been awesome friends and with my finger crossing my heart; i swear you guys are the best friends i ever made...

Well, yeah... Darkie was a lil bit of loner before he went to college.. Damn.. His life sucks... Ahem...

Aaaaanyways, for those who will be flying off to MacQuarie University with me (Ann, Lee, Reva and Vimal etc.; of course, you know who you guys are), i look forward to working with you guys and yep, there's a saying that if a man is destined to have the next moment in his life as the best moment ever in his life, it will be greater moment for him if his friends can be there to make it happen... yeah, something like that... well, okay, i've made that up just a few seconds ago but the point is; let's just have some friggin kickass moments of our lives together shall we?! No spam, no hate, just fun- nice clean memorable fun moment of our lives that we're going to treasure altogether aight? I mean, seriously, imagine all the fun we can have with no HEP!!!!! WHOOOOOO!!!!.... wait, did i just say that out loud?

And yeah, i should be dedicating a paragraph for my parents the very least... buuuuut... i'll skip that part out for now - i'm in a lil bit of emo mode now but not that of an emo mode. Guess i'll have another blogpost somewhere for on that. Till then ladies and gentlemen, this your humble blogger Dark A. Delaqroux, putting a "BRB" for his status in Malaysia and signing in to a whole new legion of blogposts LIVE in Aussie. Cheers, mate!


A s h i k i n said...

have a safe journey dude =]

Unknown said...

dude, two words. have fun!