Sunday, December 28, 2008

Glory to the Kithkin Empire!!

"Thoughtweft binds us together as one, part of an intricate pattern that would unravel if even one thread came loose"
Translation: "If you mess with one kithkin, be ready to fight them all"

Delaqroux Inc Updates!

While i have been an avid (is there such word and is this the right usage?) Gatherer to the whole Magic the Gathering trading card game world since last October, i was playing with multiple decks. One of them is a tri-color Esper (consisting of artifact creatures). Playing with esper was fun but the complexity of managing a deck with three colors at the same time can be overwhelming for a beginner (Richard, 2008). Hence, i halted the build as i lacked pretty much good cards to make an Esper deck complete. Next, i played with a Jace Beleren Blue Deck. While almost every player stereotyped the Jace (Ice) vs Chandra (Fire) war as being such a one sided battle, i sided with Jace Beleren's deck being the most strongest in truth. I've beaten Chandra so many times and even won a two on one battle (after my tag partner loses the match, leaving me with a half health opponent and another with completely full one... and oh yeah, my life total was just 6 back then). Finally i found out the latest joy of playing with a White Kithkin Deck and i traded my Jace Beleren for a whole lot of cards to fix my new Kithkin Deck (hence, no more Jace Beleren deck T___T). Though i lost a precious Jace Beleren card, the sacrificed went for a good cause as i started building my latest and most probably, permanent deck; the Kithkin Battalion

So here's my latest buildup:
Goldmeadow Stalwart (x4)
Goldmeadow Harrier (x4)
Wizened Cenn (x4)
Thoughtweft Trio (x3)
Knight of Meadowgrain (x4)
Preeminent Captain (x2)
Kithkin Zephyrnaut (x3)
Kinsbaile Balloonist (x3)
Endless Horizon (x3)
Militia's Pride (x3)
Armored Ascension (x4)
Redeem the Lost (x3)
Mine Excavation (x4)
Holy Day (x4)
(soon to come) Mirrorweave (x4)
Plains (x20)
Cenn's Tactician (x4)
Burrenton Forge-Tender (x4)
Mistmeadow Skulk (x4)
Heart of Light (x4)
Oblivion Ring (x4)

Yes, i know that i'm playing 12 cards above the safe limit of 60 but a problem with Kithkin deck is that they ran out of the play fast, a weaker Kithkin might have to be sacrificed to take big attacks at the beginning of the game while the player stacks up his mana pool. So here's some of the combos in the deck.
Endless Horizon removes ALL plains from the library and you may draw one card naturally from your library with an addition of extra draw from your new Plains pile. This helps in two ways, one, the possibility of you getting multiple draws of mana again and again when you need none is lessened to pure zero. Second, if you have Kithkin Zephyrnaut in play, your chances of drawing kinship is higher (Zephyrnaut can turn into a flying 4/4 with vigilance for every succesful kinship so its a suprise hit for the enemy for it to actually take off and deal some damage). Third, while Kithkin does not cost much mana, your chance of winning a clash fight is higher now that your risk not of drawing a plain card unlike your opponent. And fourth (and best of all), while you are able to get to put one mana into your mana pool every turn, you're bound to have alot of mana as long as you can keep the game going. That's when the game gets interesting. Use your Armored Ascension on any Kithkin card in play and you're bound to get a massive flyer popping out all of a sudden on your side. In fact, the biggest flyer i was able to summon back on a tournament using armored ascension was a flying Knight of Meadowgran 14/13 (oh yeah, with Lifelink).. just give it a swing and you're most probably win the game if you have lowered the opponent life by 6 or so. I found out that players have the tendency to think 10 life or below to only be the dangerous zone. So if you can ambush a player with 12 life with a 14/13 flyer, there's nothing the player can do but to accept defeat. Oh yeah, i found out that Militia's pride work well with Endless Horizon. Commence an attack and spam your mana four a big amount of soldier tokens to come out at the same time and attack. Of course, the tokens are mere 1/1 kithkins but if you have wizened cenns already in play, every tokens are at least a 2/2 creature and that will still be hard hits. Some swings are normally bound to be unblocked due to too many creatures attacking at one time.
Ah, yes... who could have forgot the pro tour tourney winning Mirrorweave card. First, commence and attack with alot of creatures. Yep, swarm over your opponent like it's the fourth of July XD of course, due to the small size of Kithkins and their small attacks, your opponent wont have a problem blocking all of them. But wait, drop a Mirrorweave and let all your cards be the copy of the strongest creature in the battlefield. If both sides have none, maybe you can copy a small 2/2 Wizened Cenn too. Why? Imagine you transform your whole battalion into Wizened Cenns and every Wizened Cenn give an additional 1/1 to every other Wizened Cenns. That's a massive sudden power-up. Now, the only card to fear of is "Counter Target Spell" card that can cancel off the effect of Mirrorweave. Well, imagine you commenced an all out attack and your Mirrorweave got knocked back, your side is defenseless on the next turn (which is bad) but it could be a good bait for your next turn. "How many more turn do you have if your side is already left for an open fire?" Yes, the game still can continue. But make sure you have a Holy Day card on standby before you use a Mirrorweave. With your side sitting duck and defenseless, quick! Start wailing and act like a worm in alcohol! Twist and tug your hair in distress as a sign that you're losing on the next turn! Well, for amateur opponents, they will most probably take the bait and swing all out to finsih the game on this turn and he didnt expect you to still be able to defend with a Holy Day (he used the "Counter Target Spell" last turn so he might not have any this time around), leaving HIS side defenseless on the next turn instead. For pro players, he might not take the bait and he wont swing all-out. Well, you still can defend with a Holy Day and save your ass (only you wont have a sitting duck opponent on the next turn). But if you have not any Holy Day card in your hand, this might actually save your ass for one more turn. Cheating play, but, hey, we're at war right?

TRIO, HOLD!!! **puts up shield Spartan Style**
This strategy might work with mass token producers like elves or merfolks. There might be time when your opponent are token generator and i mean, really mean token generator. If you lose a round being overwhelmed by soldiers and tokens on your last fight, this is the call for Thoughtweft Trio and Heart of LIght from the sideboard into play. It's a slow strategy but if you hit it right, it works and you may put up ultimate defense line for your army. Pair up a Thoughtweft Trio that can block ANY number of creatures with a Heart of Light enchantment that can prevent all damage that would be dealt to the creature. So in other words, your defense is up. No matter how many attackers there are, Thoughtweft Trio can block them easy and still remain alive for the next defense (the only downside is that the enchantment will cause THoughtweft Trio to lose its ability to attack as well. Therefore, you sacrifice and offense for a major defense. Worth the sacrifice? You do the maths). Remember though, a spell can still remove your Thoughtweft Trio by surprise so keep a Redeem the Lost in standby in case your face removal cards by surprise.. Btw, Thoughtweft Trio works well with Armored Ascension too. Imagine a big flyer with vigilance and first strike that can block any number of creatures. That's a pain.

As a closing statement:

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